Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Fancy a plate?

Today I visited artist Iréne Haglund (Marintodesign) and she showed me the ways of porcelain decorating which is a skill she learned from her mother who besides being a housewife kicked some ass at pimping porcelain.

One of her mother's designs. Gotta love that old wrinkled up tracing paper!

 Iréne is mixing the powder and medium to make porcelain paint.

As for my own design - I went spontaneous... for about 2,5 h!

Good thing I'm only half hindustani or else there would be some serious over-decoration going on ;) I didn't have enough time to do anything revolutionairy (since I'm in the midst of packing my things and moving to another city) but next time there might be unicorns. Now let's just hope this thing survives the oven.

1 comment:

  1. SNYGGVE!! Jag tycker inte den är överdekorerad, men så råkar jag också vara halvindier ;P
