Tuesday, July 9, 2013

What if

What if I called in sick
saying I can't come to whatever it is they want me to do today
because I'm not sure if I believe in all of this
getting up and doing the same thing every day in their order and way
Yes, I can see the point in it
Sure, I can understand
but... what if I just don't feel like it?
RUN! YouAreLateFor
oh no... what was it? I forgot 
but I remember 
that it was SO VERY IMPORTANT.
Sit! Listen! Talk... BARK!
 Grow up. No, you grew too much.
  Y o u      m u s t

find           your        inner        child       again

Don't forget to smile. Show them your best sides
And you know exactly what sides that they want to see.
well what if...
 You just can't bring yourself to put clothes on
because they are not you
you can't walk out the house 
for you know
 they could actually SEE you. 
Then what?

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