Saturday, June 27, 2015


If everything happens for a reason then this time is a reminder for me not to get too eager in my practice. To stay aware. To pay attention to the body. To build a strong connection between it and the mind. Yoga with Adrienne's "yoga for when you are sick" is all that I've been able to do now for three days. It's good though. Without it I don't think I would have been able to get up at 3am and work for 11 hours. I was reading up on the types of yoga and found restorative yoga. Thinking that could be an option for the moment.

 What is restorative yoga? 
You use props like pillows, blankets and blocks to allow the body to completely relax and rest into the positions. It's meditative and of course restorative. No effort. No stress. Just allow yourself to breathe and be. Found a good example to try today after work. Yes, sorry it's in Swedish, but the pictures are universal. Yoga för dig - Restorative yoga med Sofia Norén

When one is sick we tend to get stuck in a mindset that is like a broken radio playing only songs about sickness. It's easy to focus on how bad it feels and how limited it makes you. It's destructive and can even make the sickness linger or worsen. Because the body listens to the feeling and the feeling depends upon your thoughts. So if you focus on the parts of your body that are good. If you focus on getting better then recovery will be faster.

I saw Dr. Masaru Emoto's water molecule experiments which were mentioned in the film "What the bleep do we know?" (2004). I think it's an excellent inspiration for us to use affirmations. To understand that we have power to affect ourselves and others. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the term "affirmation" it is positive words or sentances in present form what contain no nos, don'ts and nevers which we repeat to ourselves, sort of like mantras, to get into the mindset of what we want or where want to be. It's also the title of a song by Savage Garden, which I'm not refering to in this case, despite the catchiness. Here's some affirmations and mantras that the world has brought me to get better the last few days. Now I'm passing them on to you.

Raa Maa Daa Saa 
Saa Say So Hung
Sit in easy pose (legs crossed) with your elbows gentlyresting at the sides of your ribcage lifting your hands up at a 45 degree angle with palms flat and facing the sky. Ready to recieve. Breath in deeply and slowly and as you exhale chant the words above all in one breath. Chant powefully from the navel area for 11 minutes. To learn about the musical notes etc. here's a more detailed description of how to chant itThe meaning is:
Raa - Sun 
Maa - Moon  
Daa - Earth (reciever of totality)
Saa - Totality
Say - Spirit, energy
So - Manifestation
Hung - Experience of thou

Find what feels good
This is something I picked up from Adrienne. Whenever you're practicing yoga or doing anything physical, instead of complaining or struggling remind yourself to find what feels good. Adjust it. Change it. Rock into it. Swing into it. Lean into it. Gently roll into it. Breathe into it. Repeat until you find the way that works for you, paying special attention to what your body says. When you fint it, stay there for a bit and enjoy.

Healthy am I
Happy am I
Holy am I
Breathe in slowly and deeply and as you breath out chant the words above. Chant out loud for one minute, silently for a few minutes and then bring it with you the rest of the day. Whenever you catch yourself thinking a negative or destructive thought just patiently remind yourself of your healthiness, happiness and holiness.

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